Classifieds in Western Cape
- 16K Cars
- 18K Car parts
- 10K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 399 Bicycles
- 11K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 33K Motorcycles and Parts
- 14K Art & Antiques
- 20K Kids’ products & Toys
- 5K Baby Carriages
- 22K Clothes
- 29K Garden & House
- 12K Furniture
- 31K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 4 Misc
- 13K Computers and Parts
- 8K TV games & PC games
- 3K Movies & Music
- 12K Photo & Cameras
- 15K Audio and Video
- 15K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Tickets & Traveling
- 1K Books
- 12 Pets and Animals
- 47 Hunting & Fishing
- 5K Watches & Jewelry
- 5K Music instruments
- 1K Sport
R 6,000
Model ship
Hi I have this lovely home build model of the Neptune 1950 moter boat a must for any ship lover
R 65,000
Hobie 16
French aluminium South African hulls built between 1998- 2002 sails in great condition on a licensed galvanized...
R 6,000
Antique ball and claw display unit
Stunning collectors item.Curved glass display section with curved solid mahogany cabinet belowBall+Claw feet.Unit in...
R 399,900
Xenon lights, Bluetooth prep, Cruise control, Rear PDC parking sensors
Every Pre-owned Audi is carefully inspected to...
R 300
Bridgestone Battleaxe BT-21r rear bike tyre 190/50-17
About 50% tread left in center, better condition on sides
2 Travis CDs R180 negotiable for both
Ode To J Smith
The Man Who
For sale together or separately
A complete list of my CDs for sale can be found on...
R 250
White and Brown Corsets
Hi , I have white corsets in sizes 34B and 36B and dark-brown corsets in different sizes with matching dark-brown...
R 100
Laptop CPU: Celeron 2.8GHz
Laptop CPU: Celeron 2.8GHz
Call or WhatsApp 0846567787 (I'm in Parow)
Medeli DP330 DW Professional Keyboard.BRAND NEW WITH FULL WARRANTY - J
88 Hammer Action Keybed Professional Keyboard..
The new DP330 offers true sound and tone at an affordable price that...
R 650
Caravan Stabiliser for towing caravan or offroad trailer
Stabiliser for towing caravan or off-road trailer comes with drop plate as per photo. Used but good condtion.
Brooklyn Bounce - The Second Attack (CD) R100 negotiable
A complete list of my CDs for sale can be found on bidorbuy where I am listed as All Music Post office and courier...
Espresso/Coffee machine for sale
Nuova Simonelli Espresso/Coffee machine for sale.
Machine is operating 100%.
New group head gaskets.
R 2,500
2 Vintage Oak Wood Bros Old Charm Furniture Sideboards
2 Available at R2500 each.
0,915m long x 0,475m wide x 0,72m high.
Delivery can be arranged at a fee from George to...
R 750
74 cm tv has remote R750
Selling Goldstar TV @ R380 Neg Still in very good condition , No remote WhatsApp for pics 0645144215
3 Boyzone CDs R190 negotiable for all three
Three Boyzone CDs for sale: Ballads: The Ultimate Love Songs Collection By Request Love Me For A Reason (4 track CD...
R 699
Educational ABC Eva Foam Floor Mat – 52 Piece
Please see the link below to view our full product catalogue:...
Stainless steel
Here at Swift stainless steel services we are dedicated in servicing the marine industry. All our products are made...
R 1,000
Canon EF50mm f1.8 STM Lens
Canon EF50mm f1.8 STM Lens bought January 2017 at ORMS for R1695. The lens was used only twice and the reason for...
R 700
Bar Fridge LG GR-131SF. Excellent Condition.
Defy Eco Energy Efficient - No Frost - fridge freezer with water dispenser - excellent working condition - spotlessly...
R 995
Spirit gloves at Craigs Parow
All new Spirit Virus Quest adventure gloves in stock!!!
Great quality genuine leather gloves at the awesome price of...
★ Super Car Window Shades★ Once fitted u can open the windows ★
Custom fit. Every vehicle has its own fit.
Fully D.I.Y - Fit & remove in seconds.
UVA-UVB sun protection....
WHY do you need BAR CHAIRS? Any colour, any fabric etc. @ @THE Y-MEN
Portable Bar...
R 2,450
Obrien 2 seater 2 daloo tube. Brand new. Can be delivered
Obrien 2 seater 2 daloo tube. Brand new. Can be delivered. Limited stock
R 5
Redland Delta roof tiles
Good condition - Approximately 230 tiles available - R5 EACH or R1000 for everything
R 3,000
head board and side tables oak
solid oak head board and 2x bedside pedestals set, in great condition.
Length : 2500mm
Height: 1050mm
R 170
Revenge fit and flare dress size 8
Dark orange fit and flare dress; size XS - S/8; worn only once to a wedding Original price R500 Collect in Newlands...
R 500
Russell Hobs Espresso Machine for sale
Russell Hobs Espresso Machine for sale Great physical condition and fully functional Delivery provided @ an add cost...
R 750
River Island FULL LEATHER Sneakers
Brand new River Island size 8 boot sneaker
Full leather
Serial number can be verified with River Island SA
R 500
3 plate stove with 40l oven
3 plate stove with 40l oven.
Oven tray and rack included.
Other items in photo not for sale.
R 5,000
Manual espresso coffee machine.
Gaggia manual espresso Machine Professional brushed Chrome Filter Holder with double pouring spouts for one or two...
R 150
Motomia Terra Strada 250cc tank covers.
Motomia Terra Strada 250cc tank covers. Red and black available. Left and right. R150 each.
R 3,000
Vintage Oak 3 Drawer Server
1,22m long x 0,45m wide x 0,765m high.
Delivery can be arranged a ta fee from George to Plett.
Contact Henny on...
R 200
Motomia Capri Scooter top panels
Motomia Capri Scooter speedo and front light panels. Different colours available. R200 each.
R 100
R100 ---- Pink Girls Motorbike
Pink kids motorcycle
For an princess who likes to go fast.
Call or whatsapp: 072 556 9266
R 4,250
Connelly Eclipse 18 adult set and slalom skis. Brand new. Can be delivered
Connelly Eclipse 18 adult set and slalom skis. This skis is a set and has a perfect slalom ski. All together.. at a...
Kodak pixpro az421
Contact on 0835586380 for pricing of this brand new item.