Classifieds in Western Cape
- 16K Cars
- 18K Car parts
- 10K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 399 Bicycles
- 11K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 33K Motorcycles and Parts
- 14K Art & Antiques
- 20K Kids’ products & Toys
- 5K Baby Carriages
- 22K Clothes
- 29K Garden & House
- 12K Furniture
- 31K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 4 Misc
- 13K Computers and Parts
- 8K TV games & PC games
- 3K Movies & Music
- 12K Photo & Cameras
- 15K Audio and Video
- 15K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Tickets & Traveling
- 1K Books
- 12 Pets and Animals
- 47 Hunting & Fishing
- 5K Watches & Jewelry
- 5K Music instruments
- 1K Sport
R 3,800
Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies for sale
Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies looking for loving home. Puppies are currently 6 weeks old, all vet checked, dewormed and...
R 18,500
Macbook Pro 13" i5 2020 TouchBar Space Grey
Macbook Pro 13 inch core i5 2020 Touchbar Space Grey (two thunderbolt 3 ports)
In Mint condition
8gb Ram...
R 2,200
Skipper Courses (R2200) and VHF DSC Radio Courses(R1650)
Welcome all skipper candidates
Our team from MANDRIE MARITIME SERVICES promote safety at
sea and we strive to train...
R 6,190
I - SUPS from only R6190 - CLEARANCE SALE ! ONLY 20 LEFT TO CLEAR Best quality International brands , with best...
R 8,900
Toyota Supra 2JZ GE 3.0 VVTi Non Turbo Sub Assembly For sale No Trade in Needed
No Trade in Needed, Contact us today for more information:Chris - 072 498 00127 Brass Street, Brackenfell, Cape...
R 10,900
Opel Astra Z16XEP 1.6 Engine For Sale No Trade in Needed
No Trade in Needed, Contact us today for more information:Chris - 072 498 00127 Brass Street, Brackenfell, Cape...
R 4,499
Launch X431 123X Touch Screen Diagnostic Scanner ENGINE,ABS,SRS,TRANSMISSION 15 special functions
We Courier Nationwide Delivery can be arranged in the Cape Town AreaOrder directly from our website on...
R 4,350
Own a diversified portfolio of Precious Metals
Precious Metals SetThe Perfect Combination.Owning a diverse portfolio of precious metals has never been this...
R 2,500
Huawei p30 lite 128gb. GMS
I'm selling my two Huawei p30 Lite got a black one I've got a blue one yeah they both work Gr8 and have Google. Glass...
R 9,999
HP 840 G3 • (Fully Reconditioned) 6th Gen Intel® Core™ i5 2.6GHz Processor
HP 840
6th Gen Intel® Core™ i5 2.6GHz Processor
R 11,999
Sealed In Box Lenovo ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL Business Notebook 11th Gen Core i5|512GB SSD|8GB|Warranty
Brand New Sealed In The Box The New Lenovo Thinkpad (MODEL: THINKBOOK 15
G2 ITL) Professional Laptop With The Latest...
R 9,550
DELL E7280 • ( Fully Reconditioned)6th Gen Intel® Core™ i5 2.6GHz Processor
Gen Intel® Core™ i5 2.6GHz Processor
R 1,950
Core i3 HP ProBook 4720s,1000GB,4GB Ram,17.3HD LED,HDMI,Webcam,WiFi,Office,Windows 10
Selling clean HP ProBook 4720s Core i3 Laptop in mint , excellent , perfect & good working condition. R1950 NB:...
R 599
HyperDrive Thunderbolt 3 USB-C Adapter For New Macbooks Brand New Sealed In The Box
HyperDrive Thunderbolt 3 USB-C Adapter Silver In Colour For New
Macbooks Brand New Sealed In The Box. The most...
R 8,999
DELL E7450 (reconditioned) Intel Core i5 - 5300U @ 2.3GHz
Intel Core i5
- 5300U @ 2.3GHz
8GB DDR3 memory
256GB SSD Drive - Solid State Drive
1.5KG weight
No optical drive...
R 5,750
Retro L-shape and Day-Bed lounge suites. On promotion.
L-shape. 3-seater with ottoman.A quality fabric material.Available in a few different colours.R 5 750.Special for...
R 8,500
GENUINE LEATHER English Arm Chairs, Brand new, AVAILABLE
Stunning English Genuine Leather Arm chairs,Manufactured in the colour of your choiceAvailable for same day delivery....
R 1,999
Beds from R1999 to R6199 with Free Delivery
Factory Prices Direct
BRAND NEW with Factory Warranty/Guarantee.
Reliable local manufacturer with 12 + years...
R 2,900
1, 2, 3 & 4 door Linen, Stationery or Storage cupboards
1, 2, 3 & 4 door Linen, Stationery or Storage cupboardsVersatile sturdy freestanding cupboard for home or office16mm...
R 595
Luxury Quilted Mattress Protectors
At Home & Sleep Solutions, we understand that
the search to find quality and comfort sleep solutions should be...
R 3,250
Rugby World Cup 1995 glass set
Original set of Consol commemorative beer glasses, manufactured and released for purchase during Rugby World Cup...
R 14,999
Brand New Sealed In Box Sonos Arc, White In Colour With All Accessories
+ Warranty. The Sonos Arc is one of the best...
R 14,999
Brand New Sealed In Box Sonos Arc, BLACK In Colour With All Accessories
+ Warranty. The Sonos Arc is one of the best...
R 9,995
128GB Graphite Samsung Galaxy S21 FE Brand New Sealed In The Box With All Accessories And Warranty
Brand New Sealed In The Box 128GB Samsung
Galaxy S21 FE (Fan Edition) Graphite In Colour, With All Accessories &...
R 1,300
iPhone 7 32gig Read Ad
Selling my iphone7 32gig network not working shows no service can be fixed but can use Wi-Fi and Hotspot for the...
R 4,000
German shepherd pup
Beautiful German Shepherd female pup. Vet checked an de wormed and inoculated. Ready to go to her new home. Sweet...
R 15,000
English Bulldogs
I have one female English Bulldog available she has been vet checked and chipped already. Have received her first...
R 49,900
TOPWATCH- Breitling Chrono Avenger - E13360
TOPWATCH provides you, our valued client, the opportunity to engage in the extremely luxurious side of style - the...
R 2,999
Funko Pop! Games: Crash Bandicoot - Aku Aku Vinyl Figure (new)
Funko Pop! Games: Crash Bandicoot - Aku Aku Vinyl Figure (new) Respond via e-mail, whatsapp or by calling. SMS...
R 2,999
Funko Pop! Marvel 512: Venom - Venomized Storm Vinyl Bobble-Head (New)
Funko Pop! Marvel 512: Venom - Venomized Storm Vinyl Bobble-Head (New)Respond via e-mail, whatsapp or by calling. SMS...
R 2,999
Funko Pop! Animation 439: Rick and Morty - Teacher Rick Vinyl Figure (New)
Funko Pop! Animation 439: Rick and Morty - Teacher Rick Vinyl Figure (New)Respond via e-mail, whatsapp or by calling....
R 590
PS4 Samurai Warriors Spirit of Sanada (New)
PS4 Samurai Warriors Spirit of Sanada (New)Respond via e-mail, whatsapp or by calling. SMS REPLIES WILL BE...
R 200
PS4 Games
The Surge R200
Doom Eternal R200
Assassins Creed Odyssey R200
Fifa 21 R300
Get Even R200
Dungeons R200
Monster Hunter...
R 3,000
Heavy duty plasma wall bracket for 85" and bigger
This bracket is ideal for a heavy and large screen. Its solid and heavy. Its perfect to wall mount your 80"...
R 49,300
Stage Trailers, Broadcasting Studio trailers, Advertising Trailers on sale !!!
Western Cape Trailers, pride ourselves on QUALITY TRAILERS, there will be manufacturers that claim to be cheaper or...
R 102,900
Winter - Supreme Food Trailers on sale !!!
Western Cape Trailers, pride ourselves on QUALITY TRAILERS, there will be manufacturers that claim to be cheaper or...
R 26,390
WCT with 1km available now!
Western Cape Trailers, pride ourselves on QUALITY TRAILERS, there will be manufacturers that claim to be cheaper or...
R 16,675
WCT with km available now!
Western Cape Trailers now in a position to offer finance on all our trailers !!!!We have a wide range of trailers to...
R 425,750
Mobile Tiny Houses for sale !!!
Western Cape Trailers, pride ourselves on QUALITY TRAILERS, there will be manufacturers that claim to be cheaper or...