Classifieds in Western Cape
- 16K Cars
- 18K Car parts
- 10K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 399 Bicycles
- 11K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 33K Motorcycles and Parts
- 14K Art & Antiques
- 20K Kids’ products & Toys
- 5K Baby Carriages
- 22K Clothes
- 29K Garden & House
- 12K Furniture
- 31K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 4 Misc
- 13K Computers and Parts
- 8K TV games & PC games
- 3K Movies & Music
- 12K Photo & Cameras
- 15K Audio and Video
- 15K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Tickets & Traveling
- 1K Books
- 12 Pets and Animals
- 47 Hunting & Fishing
- 5K Watches & Jewelry
- 5K Music instruments
- 1K Sport
R 139,900
2012 Livina Acenta+ Xgear - 80,000 km's only
2012 Nissan Livina 1.6 Acenta+ Xgear
80,000 km
- Full Service History AGENTS
- Finance Available
- Warranties...
Live - Awake: The Best Of Live (CD) R100 negotiable
Also available: Secret Samadhi, Throwing Copper, V. Prices may differ so please inquire A complete list of my CDs for...
2 Busta Rhymes CDs and one DVD R240 negotiable for all three
Three Busta Rhymes CDs for sale: The Big Bang Everything Remains Raw (DVD, no booklet) Genesis A complete list of my...
3 Beautiful South CDs R300 negotiable for all three
Three Beautiful South CDs for sale: Carry On Up The Charts Golddiggas Headnodders & Pholk Songs Quench Discs are...
R 3,500
Russell Hobbs dishwasher 1 year old hardly used model RHDW12DS
Russell Hobbs dishwasher 1 year old Model RHDW12DS 14 plate settings
R 599
Polo golfer
Selling polo golfer direct from New York only have 12 pieces ,R599 , tel 0737377787 NB will be in SA on the 31...
Import Label clothing
Asst jackets in sizes med /lrg, tailored H&M jacket in navy blue looks awesome with jeans for your smart casual...
R 1,700
Quinny Speedi and Carry Cot
Including rain cover and adaptors for Maxi Cosi. Pram is in good condition however the front tyre needs replacing.
R 7,000
Hilux rims en tyres
Kawasaki 17 inch back rim with tyre and hub all in one ,tyre still in good condition ,plz call Don 0718877632
R 2,499
Gopro hero 4
Motion detection system dummy camera,works with AA batteries, swivels from left to right, has a flashing red LED and...
R 9,000
Pinnacle 250Amp Multiprocess Welder
Supplied Brand new by Gray Hound Supplies. Includes a 1 year warranty Pinnacle Multiprocess - 250Amp MIG TIG and MMA...
R 1,250
125 Scooter
Loncin 125 cc parts. Have this scooter stand in yard if anyone needs parts or like to take scooter for parts make me...
R 450
Angelcare nappy bin and 4 bin refills
White Angelcare nappy bin and 4 bin refills.
Collection Tygerwaterfront during weekdays, Durbanville during weekends.
R 1,249
Nikkormat ft 35mm slr camera body nikkor-h auto 1:2 f=50mm lens
I have not film tested this camera. I have checked the mechanics and
appears to fire accurately. A battery would be...
R 3,500
Defy dtl 149 13kg silver top loader,as new,works 100% Call or whatsapp Can be delivered at an additional cost 0842804935
R 440,000
Land swop available to swop for large cruising yacht for family. R440k. Call Anje` 082 883 0799.
Property land swop available to swop for large cruising yacht for family of 4. Value R440k. Call Anje` 082 883 0799....
R 3,500
4.5m Bullet speed boat
4.5m Bullet speed boat still in good condition R3500 neg call ore whatsapp me on 0604431670
R 300
Activity and play mat
Activity and play mat with toys and different textures.
Very good condition. Only used for 1 child. Collection in...
R 1,200
Canon 50mm f1.8 mk2 lens
Canon Lens to Fujifilm lens adaptors. Please note price drop due to getting rid of last stock. Only 3 available....
R 2,700
Sony xperia Z5 spectre
Immaculate condition comes with box and charger as well as tempered glass screen protector Call or whatsapp
R 1,000
Bosch POF 1400 ACE Electronic Variable Speed 1/4" Router For Sale
Selling a new Bosch POF 1400 ACE Electronic Variable Speed 1/4" Router. Purchased from Makro a year ago but never...
R 6,250
3HP Compressors
3HP 150 Litre Compressor - R 6250.00 3HP 200 Litre Compressor - R 7250.00 These 3HP units deliver 420L/M and 8 bar of...
Men’s Nike Janoski Max UK 7.5
Men’s Nike Janoski Max. Great condition. Light and comfortable. Serious offers only
Second hand DVD Movies for sale
2nd hand movies for sale at R50 EACH (R50 per DVD) Following titles available: Pearl Harbor Titanic Catch me if you...
R 160,000
2004 Jurgens Exclusive Caravan packed with all the extras you can think of
Used once a year as our family holiday home at Keurbooms Lagoon Caravan Park. Well looked after and in permanent...
Tyres motorbike any size and truck casings
175 /50 hole wa.scrambler and offroad and on road scrambler tyres 17;19,21ll like new make me offers neg I have tyres...
R 1,200
Lovely 3pc Patio Set, Outside or Indoor Table and Chairs, Weatherproof, Immaculate Cond, 0826245168
I am selling an adorable restaurant style 3pc Patio Suite, including a solid white table
and 2 x durable red Chairs....
R 1,500
Mid-Century Chest of drawers- small mirror- R 1500
"Like" Appel n Ui on FaceBook for updates on new arrivals
We have moved...
R 7,999
The answer for twins or baby and toddler!
Getting out and about with two little ones couldn’t be easier: the compact Dana For2 can fit up to 2 infant car seats...
R 700
Vintage compressor that still works 100%
Vintage compressor that still works 100%
220 volt belt drive
50 lt tank
George central
R 4,900
Visit us at
Also visit us at The Woodmill Lifestyle Centre Stellenbosch Shop 6
R 5,200
Hilti AG 125-A22
R 750
Tourists, Super Rugby Seats in a Suite
Probably One of the Best view's from a Suite at Newlands (SEE PIC'S),
On a First come basis
Food and Drinks INCL ....
R 36
Vibracrete slabs R40....paving R40
BLUE OWL CONCRETE. ..for all your vibracrete slabs....plain or brickline pattern...R40...each Paving slabs ..450x450...