Classifieds in Gauteng
- 25K Cars
- 22K Car parts
- 6K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 814 Bicycles
- 11K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 38K Motorcycles and Parts
- 9K Art & Antiques
- 17K Kids’ products & Toys
- 5K Baby Carriages
- 20K Clothes
- 23K Garden & House
- 13K Furniture
- 23K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 8 Misc
- 12K Computers and Parts
- 4K TV games & PC games
- 2K Movies & Music
- 7K Photo & Cameras
- 13K Audio and Video
- 13K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Tickets & Traveling
- 1K Books
- 43 Pets and Animals
- 1 Horses & Rides
- 1 Hobbies & Collectors
- 76 Hunting & Fishing
- 8K Watches & Jewelry
- 6K Music instruments
- 2K Sport
R 3,870
Dishwasher Telefunken 12 Settings, Silver - New with Warranty
• 3 programmes
• wash and end of
cycle indicator
• 12 place settings
• 57db
• silver
product: 59.6x57.3
R 1,000
Fireball mast and boom
Fireball yacht mast and boom.
Manufactured 1977. Spinaker pole also available.
Will have to be collected.
Anglia 1965 swop
Hi I have a anglia to swop for a boat anglia on the road and still drive only problem vibration on prop shaft and...
R 1,200
12V DC Battery Charger 12V and 24V Charge from 30Ah to 220Ah
12V DC Battery Charger 12V and 24V Charge from 30Ah to 220Ah
1.Single phase,portable 12 & 24V battery...
R 6,672
LEXMARK X560 Yellow High Yield Print Cartridge
LEXMARK X560 Yellow High Yield Print Cartridge
Items Available: 50
Stock ID: X560H2YG
R 20,000
Anna Pretorius
Double deck trailer with storing boxes and side railings. Double axle. Roadworthy and papers in order. R18000 without...
R 1,630
The Steering Cable is a push pull mechanical cable which converts the rotary motion of the helm to linear motion at...
R 200
Laptop universal adapter 12V,15V,16V, 18V, 19V, 20V,22V, 24V
Laptop universal adapter 12V,15V,16V, 18V, 19V, 20V,22V, 24V
Contact Michael 0743589132 or Whatsapp.
I stay in...
R 225
Medical White Laboratory Coats, Medical Uniforms, Corporate Uniform, PPE - Free Delivery: White Lab Coats, White Kids Lab Coats, Medical Lab Coats, Ladies Lab Coats,...
R 1,400
Beds on special (queen) only R1399
Transform your bedroom with the elegant new Nora Bedroom Suite. A great way to add simple decor to your guest or...
R 2,500
4×195/55/16 continental
The tyres are in good condition with about 97% thread life on it with free fitting and balancing
R 114,999
2011 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 Comfortline for sale!
in immaculate condition and spotless,neat interior,drives smoothly,available in cash and bank Daniel...
Baby Buggz Brand New!!!
Available immediately - BRAND NEW!!!!!!
R 7,000
RGV complete top end very good condition
I am selling complete top end for rgv vj21.
heads - cylinders - power valves - pistons
the pistons and rings are new...
R 950
Carburetor Synchroniser
Carburetor Synchroniser complete kit with vacuum gauges.hoses,adapters,mounting plates and instructions.For bikes and...
*Luxury Watches & Gold Jewellry* WANTED NOW: Why Sell When You Can Pawn
Do You Need A Loan?
Why SELL When You Can Loan?
Pawn Your GOLD Jewellery, Broken Jewellery, Diamond Jewellery, Luxury...
R 6,750
Patio table Farmhouse series 2500 Combo 1 Raw
Very nice affordable table and bench combo. Seats 10 to 12 people. Smaller benches for the short sides are optional....
R 450
New Available Assassins Creed Unisex Wallet
Assassins Creed Unisex Wallet Zipper Leather Coin Wallet Call or what's app on 0646245369 Migs
stripping a 2013 model kia optima 2013 model. lots to strip. extremely scarce. not to be missed. very good prices....
R 1,000
Kenda tyres kr32
225x45x17 Kenda tyres kr32. Posted by riaanfish in Motorcycle Parts & Accessories, Tyres & Rims in Johannesburg...
R 400
SADF Collection as per pictures. Sold together as a Lot.
SADF Collection as per pictures. Sold together as a Lot.
1 x Nutria shirt, Size Large, Some Buttons missing. Named...
New microwaves for sale
Hi. I am selling a variety of new microwavewas at R1000 - Russell and Hobbs, platinum and others. Contact me with the...
R 120,000
2010 BMW Motorrad R 1200 GS Adventure ABS H/Grips
Services up to date
Top box included
BMW Motorrad R 1200
Dealer: Clearwater BMW
Stock No: 100387
R 700
Very big Samsung 40-litre soft-touch microwave
Very big microwave oven in exceptional cosmetic and working condition. Value for your money. Whatsapp welcome too on...
R 4,200
Oregon Pine Table & chairs
Oregon Pine square table & chairs. Table 8-seater, 6 chairs
R 500
Suzuki gsxr 1000 lo spares for sale
For sale various panels for lo gsxr1000 Contact us for more info
*Wanted* Luxury Watches, Gold Jewellery & Diamonds
Do You Need A Loan?
Why SELL When You Can Loan?
Pawn Your GOLD Jewellery, Broken Jewellery, Diamond Jewellery, Luxury...
R 1,000
Canon 75-300, 18-55 and filters for sale
Mint Nikon D3300 with 18-55mm DX lens, battery, charger and cables.Sensor has same performance as D7100 and D7200 as...
R 6,500
Scaffold Tower
4x Lockable wheels 10 H-frame quick assembly frames = 1,1 meter high x 1,5m meter width Reach 10-12meters in height 2...
R 600
Baby Stroller 3 wheel.
Baby stroller 3 wheel in good condition R600. Contact Jana for more info 082 777 4771 During working hours.