Classifieds in Gauteng
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Leisure Time & Hobbies
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- 1 Hobbies & Collectors
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- 2K Sport
R 524,556
Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 RB 6MT (X28)
Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 RB 6MT (X28) On the Road costs not included
Toyota Fortuner 2.8 GD-6 Raised Body
Power - 130 kW @...
R 3,500
New Defy Full automatic Washing Machine for sale
This washing machine is like new and in immaculate cindition. Not a scratch on the machine. Worls like a dream. Wish...
R 1,400
Univa under counter oven, hob and cooking hood combo
Univa under counter oven, hob and cooking hood combo is in excellent working condition, can be collected from La...
R 112,000
2009 Gypsey Rascal Caravan
Immaculate condition
Tent with all its sides
Extended Rally
New mattress
Ground Sheet
Spare Wheel
Gas Bottle
Time Life Library of Photography books - 18 volumes for sale
Time Life Library of Photography books for sale
18 volumes + 1 photography year book 1973 + 1 Index book
R 125,000
Hyundai Sonata 2.4 GLS AT with 99000km available now!
2011 Hyudai Sonata 2.4 GLS AT with a mileage of 99000km. Available for BOTH CASH AND FINANCE DEAL. TRADE-IN CARS ARE...
We do welding
We supply and install all steel welding such as warehouse, shades, carports, gates, Palisades fencing, clear vu,...
R 200
Baby / Toddler Rucksack. Fresh air for your kid, vitality health points for you.
Good quality toddler rucksack for when the walk along the spruit is simply too much.
Much loved teddy not included....
R 4,500
Mint condition Samsung s6 edge 64gb sale 0621594244
ITEM : Samsung galaxy s9 64gb COLOUR : Lilac purple CONDITION : Brand new PACKAGING : Sealed WARRANTY : 2 year...
R 174,900
2015 Suzuki Gsx 1300R
Welcome to S4 Lifestyle for professional after hours assistance with this vehicle please call Willem 0600705048...
R 3,500
Prada Sneakers
Now available... For orders please contact us on what's app no+27717785138/0635993595.We deliver anywhere in the...
R 14,950
Riser Recliners / Lift Chair - Tilt, Lift & Raise - Making Life Easier - CLEARANCE SALE !
PrimCare: Riser Recliner / Lift Chair
The power to sit, recline or stand rests in the palm of your hand, giving you a...
renault sandero stripping spares
stripping a 2011 model renault sandero. lots to strip. engine and gearbox still in good condition. dont miss out....
R 2,500
Cbr1000 rr flywheel for sale Used Working condition Only for 08-09 Fits MFL COVER ONLY NOT FOR 2012 MODEL Contact us...
R 5,200
Butchers Block Chunky Cottage series 1090 Stained
This beautiful mobile piece with "appealing" legs has a rustic appearance with lots of open shelving which is ideal...
R 7,999
Drum microphone kit includes 4 drum microphones to cover all you need in performance and recording applications....
R 50,000
Bernhard Steiner antique Piano for sale excellent condition! 1937 model.
This piano is in a excellent condition! It was one of the first Bernhard Steiner pianos. Everything on it is still in...
R 3,000
Chelino Honeycomb Pram for sale R3000 neg
Secondhand Chelino pram in good condition Brand new price: R4200 Reason for sale: No space
R 5,000
Grass Cutting Machine
Grass Cutting Machine--
3 Wheeler P63 Mirage
Like new as used only once
R 1,995
LEXMARK 808XM CX510de / CX510dhe / CX510dthe Magenta Extra High Yield Return Program Toner Cartridge
LEXMARK 808XM CX510de / CX510dhe / CX510dthe Magenta Extra High Yield Return Program Toner Cartridge
Items Available:...
R 12,475
Mutsy Urban Rider - Complete Package. Silver & Black. Exclusive Baby Stroller Brand. HALF PRICE!!
Imported Mutsy Stroller with:
1. Frame
2. Pram Accessory
3. Baby seat Accessory
4. Rocking frame
5. Step-up board....
Destiny fashion design
Are u looking for handbags look no more just call me or app me for your orders and will deliver to u, we have all...
R 1,000
ZX10 2008-9 spares for sale
2x side fairings with connecting corner pieces 2 X belly pans Tail piece Headlights Seat cowling
R 1,200
Kelvinator metallic silver mirror face microwave, grill and oven combo
Kelvinator metallic silver mirror face microwave, grill and oven combo is in excellent working condition, can be...
Ladies Canteen Dressess, T-Shirts, Golf Shirts, Overalls, Safety Boots, Aprons
Beautiful evening wear. 2 x Evening Skirt and Shirt. Purple Size 12 small and Maroon approx size 28 large. Only worn...
Suzuki GSXR 600 R k7
For sale used sub assembly Crank rods all in tact Gear box intact Sealed sub only head stripped and complete clutch...
R 1,385
3 Blade Mercury / Mariner aluminium propeller. Suitable for models: 135HP and up
* Cupped trailing edge to better...
R 1,500
Timex Titanium Linear Chronograph
46mm- Case Diameter, White face with black leather straps, special feature dual time zone.
Items Available: 1...
R 2,500
Graco 4 in 1
Graco 4 in 1, car seat with isofix, Moses basket and stroller, comes with all fittings
R 1,100
Chelino pram and baby car seat
Retractable Sun Canopy Child tray Big Wheels Shopping Basket 5 point safety belts harness Swivel wheels with back...
R 399
Elephant Baby Pillow
Get cosy and warm with Elly!
Elephant Baby Pillow is so soft and cute, you wont want to get off! This Cute Elephant...
Tassimo Coffee Machine - Braun
Tassimo Coffee Machine - Braun
R 7,500
Nexiq USB Link Heavy Duty Truck Diagnostic Tool
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