Classifieds in Gauteng
- 25K Cars
- 22K Car parts
- 6K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 814 Bicycles
- 11K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 38K Motorcycles and Parts
- 9K Art & Antiques
- 17K Kids’ products & Toys
- 5K Baby Carriages
- 20K Clothes
- 23K Garden & House
- 13K Furniture
- 23K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 8 Misc
- 12K Computers and Parts
- 4K TV games & PC games
- 2K Movies & Music
- 7K Photo & Cameras
- 13K Audio and Video
- 13K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Tickets & Traveling
- 1K Books
- 43 Pets and Animals
- 1 Horses & Rides
- 1 Hobbies & Collectors
- 76 Hunting & Fishing
- 8K Watches & Jewelry
- 6K Music instruments
- 2K Sport
R 800
4 2x Flysafair tickets to Cape Town from OR Tambo Int _28 & 29 May 2018
2 x Flysafair 1 way tickets to Cape Town from OR Tambo Int. 28 May 2018 Depart 18:50 Arrive 21:05 Flight FA12 R800 2...
Natal tyres good price
Natal tyres good price call natal 0652853768/0833526539 We deal with only the best second hand tyres in town. I...
R 1,500
Gold Delphi USB Diagnostic Tool (Cars & Trucks)
ELECTROMART SA – YOUR NO.1 AUTO TOOLS SHOP | Secure Online Payment | Credit Card Accepted
R 12,000
Myford lathe ML7
Myford lathe ML7 in good condition bought this for a job now in the way. Please note that I am open to all offers as...
R 550
1. Display: LCD panel 1.44 inch touch screen ,240*240 pixel ,2.5 d sapphire screen 2.Camera: Yes 3.APP&APK: Android...
R 4,200
Speed queen heavy-duty commercial tumble dryer
Speed queen heavy-duty commercial tumble dryer is in excellent working condition, can be collected from La Rochelle...
R 550
Rugby Tickets - Springboks vs England at Ellis Park - Sat 9 June 2018
R650 pp tickets sold at R550 pp. Eastern upper stand at Ellis Park. Take a group of friends and support your team.
R 4,495
Decals graphics for a 2010 Triumph Speed Triple 1050
2010 Triumph Speed Triple 1050 decals / vinyl stickers / graphics. Made from excellent quality gloss / matte vinyl...
R 1,400
Defy four twenty two stove and oven combo
Defy four twenty two stove and oven combo is in excellent working condition, can be collected from La Rochelle in...
R 119,900
2014 KTM 1190 Adventure
Welcome to S4 Lifestyle for professional after hours assistance with this vehicle please call Willem 0600705048...
R 675
Drum Lessons
| DRUM LESSONS | From beginner to advanced levels. Learn to play in a band or to just play at your convenience. Start...
R 94,900
2009 HONDA St 1300
Call Center Number 0600705979 Welcome to S4 Lifestyle for professional after hours assistance with this vehicle...
R 99
4aKid Shampoo Cap - PINK RABBIT
Shampoo Cap pink rabbit keeps shampoo and water out of baby’s or toddler’s eyes and ears during bath or shower time....
Tv stands
Popular Furniture Stores delivers the best quality home furniture and service. For the past 20 years we have...
R 200
Ride-on bike for sale with boot and hooter
Ride-on bike for sale with little boot, a hooter that makes sounds.can be pushed with handle at the back by parent or...
R 100
Various Gopro accesories
X3 Anodized aluminum screws. R250
Orange floaty. R80
Chest mount. R300
Suction cup mount. R250
Wrist glove mount....
Red Heat Gloves, Leather Gloves, Overalls, Conti Suit Overalls, T-Shirts, PPE
Red Heat Resistant Gloves, Welding Gloves:,,,...
Structural Covers
Structural Covers for walls and floors fitted with Sclips or without. The Cover on the wall goes in the corner...
R 40,000
TOPWATCH - Breitling Chronospace A78365Q9
TOPWATCH provides you, our valued client, the opportunity to engage in the extremely luxurious side of style - the...
R 480
Various household items
This beauty is 49 years old. The top is untouched and in beautiful condition. This piece is a perfect addition to...
R 1,799
Bunk Beds (double)
Brand New Bunk Beds.
We have Double (single top and single bottom) for R1799
We also have Tri-Bunk Beds-bottom double...
R 1,500
Brand New Sealed Baby Monitor - Angel Care AC403
Brand New Sealed Baby Monitor For Sale - R1500
Retails for R2200...
R 650
Ronix Trailer Guides R 650
36" Long
Black Fabric With
Ronix White Silk
Screen Logo
Sold as a Pair (Qty 2)
R 199,500
2012 Chevrolet Captiva 2.4 LT FWD AT for sale!
Immaculate Vehicle from Inspectacar Franchised Dealership endorsed by Wesbank Best Trade in Prices offered on your...
R 3,800
Large catering pots
Pots were used for catering, no longer needed, still in excellent condition. Retail at R3500 each im selling all...
R 2,500
Pallet Creationz
I make pallet furniture and whatever you may need or have seen custom check website