Classifieds in Western Cape
- 16K Cars
- 18K Car parts
- 10K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 399 Bicycles
- 11K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 33K Motorcycles and Parts
- 14K Art & Antiques
- 20K Kids’ products & Toys
- 5K Baby Carriages
- 22K Clothes
- 29K Garden & House
- 12K Furniture
- 31K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 4 Misc
- 13K Computers and Parts
- 8K TV games & PC games
- 3K Movies & Music
- 12K Photo & Cameras
- 15K Audio and Video
- 15K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Tickets & Traveling
- 1K Books
- 12 Pets and Animals
- 47 Hunting & Fishing
- 5K Watches & Jewelry
- 5K Music instruments
- 1K Sport
R 100
Mini donut machine
Babycakes min donut maker product in mint condition_ well looked after_not a scratch on it comes with cooling tray...
R 3,500
coffee table and a fouton
Four piece emboia couches R4500 Special Emboia coffee table R 995 Emboia kist R1250
R 2,000
Mens sterling silver chain bargain price
Mens 925 sterling silver chain 15mm thick. R2000 not negotiable. WhatsApp: 061 477 6511
R 750,000
URGENT SALE! Ex Patrol Motor Boat. Make an offer. R750k. Anje` 082 883 0799 to view Langebaan.
MAKE AN OFFER! R750k. Ex Patrol Motor boat converted from working boat to pleasure boat for sale. Call Anje` 082 883...
R 1,600
Nespresso umilk
Cream nespresso umilk with frother 3months still under warranty Hardly been used R1600
R 2,200,000
42 ft Jaguar Catamaran 2009 Model 6 cabin Galley up Version R2 200 000. Call Anje` 082 883 0799
42 ft Jaguar Catamaran 2009 Model 6 cabin Galley up Version. R2 200 000. Needs work - quote available. Viewing East...
R 2,000
Isuzu kb 2000 model towbar for sale R2000
Good condition Isuzu kb 2000 model towbar for sale Fits 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04 Selling for R2000 Call me on 0727070967...
R 3,200
Makita DHP 453 In Case
Men's Jackets- Blazers- shirts - pants etc
Large selection of men's pants, jackets, shirts etc Avaliable @ Absolutely Fabulous - 159 Main Rd Somerset West -...
R 26
Paving slabs Great quality
Our product includes:Patio paving slabsDriveway PaverPool PaversFlagstone PaverPool copingsCobblesRock face Paver etc...
R 12,000
BigBoy GPR250R
1982 RZ50 with papers and license up to date, very clean bike, have a DT50 with papers at R18000,00 and a few MBX...
R 159,900
2016 Smart Fortwo 1.0 Base
Parktronic,Harman Kardon Sound System,Ambient Lighting
smart fortwo 1.0 base
Power - 52 kW @ 6000 rpm
Torque - 91 Nm...
R 1,000
Bosch Dishwasher white
Older model, still in great working condition. Includes pipes for connecting water and waste outlet with some...
R 795
BRAND NEW SAMSUNG TV MAIN BOARD - BN41 01407A Television Boards Panels Spares Parts and Components
We have a card swipe machine - no need to bring cash. This is a universal metal stand. If you have lost your TV...
Wanted: Hollywood Undead CDs
Looking to buy any CD by these artists. Hollywood Undead, Linkin Park, Skillet, Seelennacht. Willing to consider any...
R 2,000
BOSCH Auto 3 in 1 Dishwasher in Excellent condition!
Works 100% and not used much.comes with Manual as well.Has a LCD screen that sow the time how long the wash is going...
Hisense 630 combi fridge/ freezer. (Brand new sealed in box)
Contact on 0835586380 for pricing worth R11000.
R 3,000
P10 64gig swap its duel sim
Selling my Huawei p8 lite as I've upgraded my phone. Phone in good condition. Please contact for pictures or more info
195/55/16 90% tread
Bargain price, 90% 2 left. Continental Goodyear 0764113767
R 8,800
24MP Nikon d7100 dual SD card body for sale.
Nikon D7000 camera body with 55mm and 300mm lenses and carry bag.Please note that I do NOT fall for the "Can I...
Camping cot and jogging pram for sale
Still in great condition. you can call or whatsapp for price negotiations.
R 1,500
DEFY Automaid 5Kg Washer and Dryer!
Wash your clothing and drys your clothing.Works Good,view photos.
R 350
Black Vintage Italian Leather Knee High Boots
Killer comfy boots with a bit of a heel and a pointy toe. Boot comes just under the knee on medium height person but...
STAR WARS Darth Vader Key Ring
If you see the ad, its available.
Collect at 5 Steenbok Street, Brackenfell. I can drop you a WhatsAPP pin....
R 1,499
Nikkormat nikon ft 35mm film camera sigma f=21-35mm ultra wide angle zoom lens
I have not film tested this camera. I have checked the mechanics and
appears to fire accurately. A battery would be...
R 65,000
With full L shape Tent and Extension roof with sides that zip on to tent. Rally canopy with 2 sides. Large 3 way...
R 1,200
8kg defy twintub for sale
8kg defy twintub for sale. Still in good condition. Bought March 2017 and has only been used for 5 months
Brand New QSC GDX Series power amplifiers, Full 12 MONTH WARRANTY
Brand New QSC GDX Series power amplifiers, Full 12 MONTH WARRANTY
QSC GXD4 Power Amplifier
High peak output power...
R 8,900
Samsung 32 inch LED TV with HDMI and USB! Plus Samsung DVD player
R 5,900
Stokke Steps Full Set R5900
We have 3 colorful plastic chairs and 1 green plastic table that have been used 5 times if thatthey are as good as...
R 55,000
Kawasaki Zx636 for sale in Knysna - 2006 model
2006 Kawasaki 636 R for sale. Bike in good clean condition. Tyres allmost new...chain sprockets good..+ - 35000...
R 40
YooKidoo Prince Charming rattle sensory toy
YooKidoo Prince Charming rattle sensory toy
In excellent condition
R 495
Solidwood gate with mounting pillar post
Solidwood gate
Increase security on your property with the help of this solidwood gate & post.
Why to buy:
Solid wood...
R 350
Indian Sari and outfits
Collection of excellent Indian clothing. Sari and outfits. All perfect. Great beading and Embroid work. Selling...
R 899
Helm with quick connection
* Compact Planetary Design
* Easy Connection , quick installation
* Applicable...
R 390
Helmet Visor / Bubble Visor
showroom : 1 Dickens Road, Salt River, Cape Town
* we open 8 to 5 in weekdays and 8 to 1 on Saturday
website :...