Classifieds in Eastern Cape
- 3K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 3K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 178 Bicycles
- 2K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 9K Motorcycles and Parts
- 2K Art & Antiques
- 6K Kids’ products & Toys
- 1K Baby Carriages
- 5K Clothes
- 7K Garden & House
- 2K Furniture
- 6K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 1 Misc
- 3K Computers and Parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 1K Movies & Music
- 2K Photo & Cameras
- 2K Audio and Video
- 4K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 234 Tickets & Traveling
- 163 Books
- 20 Pets and Animals
- 2 Horses & Rides
- 30 Hunting & Fishing
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 1K Music instruments
- 391 Sport
Variety of hammerheads for sale from R10-00 to R30.00 each
All sort of hammer heads From R10.00 to R30.00
Call Neville: for more information: 0630674056
Uitenhage area
R 2,499
Brand New Apple Watch Series 3 38mm With Box Proof of Purchase Extra Strap R 4500 Swap / Trades Welcome Whatsapp or...
R 300
Whirl pool washing machine Motor
Hellos selling a motor of a whirl pool washing machine.. add on WhatsApp 0847247204
R 3,499
IPhone 6 16GB [SPACE GREY]
IPhone 6 FULL PHONE SPECIFICATION Color: Space Grey Memory: 16GB Screen Size: 4.7" Camera: 8MP Ram: 1GB INCLUDED Box...
Defy Dishwasher
About 6 years old. Stopped working and we replaced it. Make an offer.
R 399
Ryobi RESV1300 Garden Blower
Ryobi RESV1300 Garden Blower
1300 Watt
35 litre bag
Item Ref no: CCW07
6 month repair warranty
Please use the ref no...
R 25,000
Custom 2001 GSF Suzuki Bandit
I'm selling my motorcycle in very good condition. You can call me on 0849446320. NO TIME WAESTER
R 2,200
life jackets
6 x ski jackets, variuos sizes ranging from small to xxl, R150 each, 1 wake board brand new condition and adjustable...
R 1,250
Brand New Gstar Arc 3D Slim Jeans
The Arc pant utilises the 3D Denim approach to construction, forming the garment to the wearer’s shape. The...
R 22,000
2007 Honda CRF250R
Off road bike, well looked after and in very good condition, engine guard, hand guards, disk guards and fork guards....
R 1,400
Makita Bench Grinder
I have a Makita medium size angle grinder in good condition. Make me an offer.
Gomoto 125cc Spares
Hi Guys I am selling my second bike for spares as I have used it for spares. It's a Gomoto 125cc Nakedi Engine works...
R 17,000
Great condition trailer with Waterproof cover
Selling custom built trailer Double dipped galvanized Rubberized inside and underneath Water proof cover - easily...
R 200
Luxury Fashion Faux Leather Men's Quartz Analog Watch
Luxury Fashion Faux Leather Men's Quartz Analog Watch.
Solid Clay Stock Bricks R1.35 Each ! 11 000 Available
Eina Ivy is a unique, high tensile steel wall spike. The sharpened spikes are perfectly capable of withstanding our...
R 71
Bryan Adams: Live at Slane Castle (DVD) - brand new
1. Back To You
2. 18 ‘Til I Die
3. Can’t Stop This Thing We Started
4. Summer of ’69
5. It’s Only Love
6. (Everything...
R 685
12V 40W Solar Panels - R685 each
Available at InkPro
12V 40W Solar Panels - R685 each
For all your security and solar needs, computer accessories and...
R 500
Mellerware Espresso Maker
Barely Used Mellerware Espresso Maker. Includes box and all adapters!
R 30
Rubber Piggy bank - brand new
Material:RubberSize (cm):9 (w) x 7 (h) x 8 (d)
Postage: R55-00;
Courier: R99-00;
or collect from me.
R 50
Ladies jewelry
Beige and silver Multi bangles from the UK. Thick beige bangles are Ginger Mary Silver cuff bracelet Silver necklace...
R 1,899
Incl wallmount bracket incl dvd player incl hdmi cable Incl remote R 2350
R 1,412
Smarter Tools Welder
Smarter Tools Welder
With Helmet
Item Ref no: CCW09
6 month repair warranty
Please use the ref no provided(...
SAMSON C01 Condenser Microphone *NEW FULL 12 MONTH WARRANTY*
Special Offer - While stocks last or until 30 October 2016 ONLY
Tyres & tubes- east london
Please not this add is amalinda & not mdansane I have the following tubes for sale 400x17 R100 300x19 R100 120x18...
Sell Your Unwanted IPhones to Us
Greetings From UberTechSA We are Looking to buy IPhone, Samsung, Sony, Huawei, LG, IPhone - 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 6 Plus, 6s...
R 850
Quality Braai Stands
Big Quality Braai Stands for sale.
R850 for the full set.
Stand, Half-Drum and Grid.
Dimensions are 900L x 900H x...
R 850
Oven and hob stainless steel
Good working condition oven and cooker hob . I have revamped my kitchen and don't have space for it. WhatsApp me...
Sell Your Unwanted Samsung Phones to Us
Greetings From UberTechSA We are Looking to buy IPhone, Samsung, Sony, Huawei, LG, IPhone - 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 6 Plus, 6s...
R 2,500
YAMAHA R1 clocks [2007-2008 model]
YAMAHA R1 clocks ,4c8 model in perfect working condition,only has 20600kms on ,R2500 onco,courier anywhere in SA call...