Classifieds in Eastern Cape
- 3K Cars
- 4K Car parts
- 3K Boats, Yachts and Parts
- 178 Bicycles
- 2K Trailers & Mobile homes
- 9K Motorcycles and Parts
- 2K Art & Antiques
- 6K Kids’ products & Toys
- 1K Baby Carriages
- 5K Clothes
- 7K Garden & House
- 2K Furniture
- 6K Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 1 Misc
- 3K Computers and Parts
- 2K TV games & PC games
- 1K Movies & Music
- 2K Photo & Cameras
- 2K Audio and Video
- 4K Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 234 Tickets & Traveling
- 163 Books
- 20 Pets and Animals
- 2 Horses & Rides
- 30 Hunting & Fishing
- 1K Watches & Jewelry
- 1K Music instruments
- 391 Sport
R 60
Fuel Tank Cap Fits Husqvarna 143RII R60 - SHANNONS LAWNMOWERS
We sell parts for:
Husqvarna, Honda,...
R 123
Various geyser braai's with wheels
Price and size on pictures. Call or WhatsApp for address 0735983481 NO SMS.. Collect in Walmer PE or delivery can be...
R 399
6 LED Waterproof 1M 7mm Phone Endoscope Inspection Camera For Android PC UL
Features: 100% brand new and high quality Newest model for android, can take phote, vedio and sound recording, and...
R 2,000
Troy lee/ airoh mx helmets
Selling troy lee designs helmets in mint condition. Comes with a pair of oackly goggles. Size M:R1350 Airoh helmet in...
R 290
Ladies Size 3 Heels R290 for ALL
Ladies Size 3 Heels R290 for ALL Individual prices * Grass Green Ankle Strap Heels R100 ( WORN ONLY ONCE ) * Black...
R 150
Puppeteers for PS3
This is a 1 - 2 player game. It can be played with a move controller or the ordinary joystick controller. The game is...
R 900
YAMAHA R6 rider footpeg hangers [2006-2007 model]
R6 set of rider foot peg hangers complete with brake and gear change levers in good condition R900 for both ,courier...
R 150
Perfectly themed baby gift
Personalised baby boards. Laminated . Size 1250x800 . Delivery is 2 days from placing order. Deposit of R450...
R 250
Journey - Collector's Edition
Journey - Collector's Edition There are 3 games on this cd. Flower, Journey and another Flower game. Then there are 3...
R 699
Dremel 3000 Engraver
Dremel 3000 Engraver 135 watt 15 Rotary Tool In case + attachments Item ref no: CCW11 6 month repair warranty Please...
R 650
Cordura Riding pants for sale
Posted by Nicole in Motorcycle Parts & Accessories, Helmets, Clothes & Boots in Eastern Cape, Mdantsane. 10 April 2018
R 907
Graco Baby Camping Cot
Graco Baby Camping Cot Item Ref No: CCW03 During Office Hours (9am-5pm)-0415810060 Please use the ref no provided(...
R 2,500
Bosch Fridge Freezer
Selling our Fridge with Freezer 1850 x 700 in working and good condition Sometimes Display is blinking.
R 2,500
Super slim ps3 for sale with 8 games 1 remote HDMI cable with ps3 parts.
Basically New 500GB with original box ps3 Super Slim 7 Original Games in covers (One Is "Dead Space") All cables...
R 1,412
Ryobi AC 1524 Power Compressor
Ryobi AC 1524 Power compressor Description: Electric, direct driven induction motor Large easy to read gauges Motor...
R 3,000
Circular Saw and Surface Planer Combination
Rockwell Delta Milwaukee Circular saw, surfacer on trolley. Still in good working condition. Running on seperate...
R 60
4 baby blankets, 1 baby duvet and 1 baby duvet cover for sale
4 baby blankets, 1 baby duvet and 1 baby duvet cover for sale. R60 for the lot. Buyer must collect in Walmer.
R 450
Cylinder Assembly Fits Husqvarna 143RII R450 - SHANNONS LAWNMOWERS
We sell parts for:
Husqvarna, Honda,...
R 25
Bulk T Shirt Wholesale, T-Shirt Manufacturing, Corporate Clothes, Uniforms
Manufacturing:; Free Delivery:; Promotional Clothes:...
R 1,500
Nescafé Dolce Gusto -Circolo Black
Nescafé Dolce Gusto machine and stainless steel pod holder for sale. Excellent condition hardly used. Pods not...
Paint left overs WANTED any colours
I am looking for all your left over tins of paint. Any colours or make Wanted.
R 2,000
Microwave convection oven for built in cupboards
Whirlpool convection oven for built in cupboards in full working order, can sell with or without box.
R 2,499
Huawei p8 lite 2017 for sale. The screen is in great condition never been cracked, scratched etc. Has a protective...
R 699
Ryobi RLT-1000 Line Trimmer
Ryobi RLT-1000 Line Trimmer 1000 Watt 7500 R/ min 380mm Cutting diametre Item Ref no: CCW08 6 month repair warranty...
R 8,000
Korg sp 280 electronic piano
We are selling our Korg Sp 280 electronic piano store bought 1 and a half years ago. Hardly used. Please send...
R 1,800
One of a kind Hand Made Pure raw wool Xhosa Rug
This beautiful HUGE5mX3m 90kg of pure wool rug was specially handcrafted for us in the 80's by a local group of Xhosa...
R 399
Photo/Video Tripod 360 Includes: 1 x Tripod Features: 90 Vertical platform Geared elevator column with crank for...
Littlest Pet Shops
Add to your collection or spoil your kids. All in good condition! Contact me if you are interested
R 500
Quad bike tyres
2 x Kenda speedracer AT 19 x 8 quad bike tyres, R500 for both contact 0659829871 or 0658185680
R 700
Port Elizabeth to Jhb flight tickets 3 - 5 August!
Top master - R45 Game changer - R35 Expert - R8.50 Goal stopper, defensive rock, fan's favourite - R7.50 Star player...
R 2,499
Hi , I have the following items for sale Apple Watch S/3 - 38mm Apple iMac 21” ( 2 months old ) Apple Airpods - 7...